1. An early warning signal
No matter what you do, there is no way to completely rid yourself of gas. But that's a good thing, because your farts can tell you a lot about your health. Even if you sometimes find it annoying, you should be grateful for them because they are early warning signals for several health problems. Strong smells, high frequency, and/or unusual pain while tooting can all be signs of serious illness. If you are regularly experiencing these symptoms, you might want to mention them to your doctor.
We've all been there: You just downed a gigantic, delicious meal and now you're sitting fat and happy in the corner. But not only do you feel five times your size, you actually are. When a large amount of food has to be digested all at once, your body stores excess water and your intestines produce excess gas. When you let that loose, your stomach will feel much better and your jeans will be easier to button.
That's right: It is healthy to smell your own farts! Studies have shown that there are ingredients in your gas that shield you from harmful disease. This is due to hydrogen sulfide, the chemical that gives some gas that rotten egg smell. In high doses the chemical is poisonous, but in small amounts it can protect your cells and help prevent heart attack and stroke.
Everyone knows how important nutrition is, but did you know that your gas can tell you what's missing from your diet? Different types of food produce different types of gas, which can indicate whether you are eating too much or too little of something. If you rarely have gas, your diet is probably lacking in fiber. Good sources of fiber are whole grains, green vegetables, and lentils. Too much red meat can cause a bad smell and may be an indicator that you should cut back on those steaks and burgers.
Are you ready for a scary truth? Thinner people toot more often and are happier! That's because people who eat healthy often have higher intakes of fiber and eat more fruits and vegetables that stimulate digestion. Those things all give your gut bacteria more to work with, giving your digestive tract more practice, which can lead to more gas production.
Did your parents ever tell you to "hold it in?" It's not very healthy to always hold your gas in. Every once and a while won't do any harm, but if you are constantly holding back, your intestinal activity can be affected, which can cause painful cramping. It's much better to just relax and let it all out.
Let's be honest: There are few things that feel as good as just letting it loose. There's a reason why it's funny (in the right circumstances) when someone just lets one go. Sure, you might blush, but if you're constantly holding everything in, you'll probably feel pretty terrible. So, now you have no reason to hold on - just let it out!
What great news! I'll never feel guilty for farting again!